Archpriest Michael elected as a member of the Coordinating Council of the Russian nationals in Great Britain
On the 14th of November the 3rd Forum of Russian-speaking nationals in Great Britain took place in the Overseas House. Fr. Michael Dudko, the custodian of the diocesan Cathedral of Dormition in London, addressed the Forum with a greeting mesage on behalf of Elisey the Bishop of Sourozh. He also passed the warmest regards from Mitropolitan Hilarion, the Head of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, who was visiting England at the time. Father Michael spoke about the work of the Russian Orthodox mission in the country and shared the news about life of the diocese of Sourozh and its social development. He also spoke at the group dedicated to the problems of the modern Russian journalism.
At the end of the Forum a new Coordinating Council of the Russian-speaking nationals was elected. Fr. Michael was re-elected as a member of the Council with the highest number of votes among all candidates.