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Eucharist celebrated by Fr Georgy Zavershinsky in the Parish of St Kentigern, 7 November 2010

Sunday 7 November was the first day of Father Georgy Zavershinsky’s service as rector of the Parish of St. Kentigern in Glasgow. 

Fr Georgу is head of the Russian Orthodox parishes in Scotland and Northern Ireland. By decree of Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh, Fr Georgy has been appointed rector of the following parishes:  

1. St. Kentigern in Glasgow

2. Annunciation of the Mother of God in Dundee

3. St. Machar of Aberdeen, Aberdeen

4. St Teneu in Edinburgh 

Fr Georgy Zavershinsky is a renowned theological scholar, author of scientific works, vice head and a member of the Scientific Council of the Church-wide centre for postgraduate and doctoral training named after Saints Cyril and Methodius in  Moscow. He also lectures at universities in Ireland. Conversations with Fr Georgy and his articles can be found on many websites.  

Fr Georgy’s sermon touched the hearts of parishioners of the Russian Church in Glasgow. It is now planned for services to be held regularly on Sundays and sometimes on weekdays on feast-days. It is proposed to hold vesper services starting in December. 

Father George said he hoped that the number of parishioners will grow. He also feels that  missionary activity is hugely important and strive to make the Scriptures understandable  for modern people.  

Certainly, Fr Georgy’s knowledge and unique experience will serve the cause of spreading Orthodoxy in Scotland well.