Children's Singing Studio represented Glasgow Russian Orthodox School at Glasgow Feast Day. 12.01.2019

A musical celebration of St Kentigern's life took place in the Mitchell Library as part of Glasgow-wide St Mungo Festival on 12 January 2019. Western Christians celebrate the Feast Day of city of Glasgow founder and patron saint, Bishop of Scottish Kingdom of Strathclyde and wonderworker Kentigern on 13 January, while in Orthodox tradition the celebration falls on 26 January. St Kentigern, who is also known as St Mungo (a Scottish affectionate name meaning "my dear one"), preached the Gospel in the 6th century on the banks of river Clyde, on the site of modern Glasgow.St Mungo Cathedral choir and Singing Studio at the Glasgow Russian School directed by Svetlana Zvereva are traditionaly invited to annual celebrations. Glasgow Russian School was founded 14 years ago under the patronage of St Kentigern Parish of Russian Orthodox Church.
An extract from "the Life of Saint Mungo", written by the monastic hagiographer Jocelyn of Furness in about 1185, was read in Latin by Archbishop of Glasgow Philip Tartaglia. After the Vespers of St Mungo chanted by St Mungo Singers, children from the Children’s Singing Studio opened the next part of the service with a Russian chant in honour of St. Kentigern. The children had started their vocal practice at the studio only in November 2018 and could already cope with a difficult ancient chant of St Kentigern Glorification. Two lively carols "This Holy Night" and "A swift-winged angel" reminded the audience that the Russian Orthodox Christmas had been celebrated only three days previously. Young singers were supported by adult singers from "Russkaya Cappella" - Russian-Scottish choir based in Glasgow. The short service ended with the singing of the Glasgow anthem “Let Glasgow Flourish” and some traditional hospitality for those taking part.
Christmas celebrations took place in Glasgow Russian School on the same day. Once again young singers were successful in performing Glorification to St Kentigern and three Christmas carols to the accomponiment of Svetlana Zvereva in front of wide audience. This was followed by children's performance "A Saviour came to world". The celebrations ended with light refreshments and creative lessons dedicated to Christmas.
By Marina Shumitsky