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Christmas: Has the genealogy of Christ been outdated?

Every family has children, parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers and an ancestor, from whom its history began. For the royal family of Windsor on the island of Great Britain for example, it was George V - the cousin of the last Russian emperor, who looked surprisingly like him. The world treats the royal genealogy of the current British monarch Elizabeth II seriously and even with exaggerated attention. However, that story is nowhere near as ancient as the history of the genealogy of Christ.

In the genealogy of Christ are given the exact names of famous historical figures - Abraham, David and many others who undoubtedly existed. It remains a mystery how it was preserved in such a way that corresponds exactly to the descriptions found in the oldest books of the Bible. What is more certain - a genealogy of a great and powerful personality of this world, or the genealogy of Christ? The answer does not require a long reflection.
There is nothing comparable with the genealogy of Christ in antiquity, the accuracy of the given names and the duration of the "popularity" of the Personality that appeared in this family. The Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus, and His name sounds in the world incomparably more often than any other name. Since it is impossible to compare another genealogy with the genealogy of Christ, which dates back to the most ancient times, therefore this genealogy is the foundation of the foundations of the life of modern humanity. Can it become obsolete?
                                                                                                               Archpriest George Zavershinsky